The Filthy(,) Rich 'Royal Friend'

The Electrocuting Misadventures Of The Globe-Trotting Industrial Tyrant

There is this king. 
He is quite valorous. 
He has seen poverty. 
He knows the plight of the poor. 
He has won the kingdom with his cunningness and valor. 
He knows it well, that people love him. 
He provides people with food, albeit just enough to survive. 
Still people are happy. 
Number of only such people keeps increasing day-by-day. 
To think, the kingdom is quite big. 
Mining, Agriculture, Industry – all are functioning super- well. 
There is a coastal area at one side of the kingdom. 
Ships come and go. 
There are huge airports in the kingdom. 
There are good roads, railways, there’s everything. 
Truly, there’s prosperity. 
But the subjects are becoming poorer day-by-day. 

People say,
‘There is a friend of the king. He is quite wealthy. 
He helped the king become the ‘King’. 
Now, the king has heart of gold. 
He values friendship. 
He is ready to do anything for his friend. 
People also stand behind the king. 
This friend of the King is obscenely rich. 
But he is very ambitious as well. 
He wants to become still richer. 
It’s his dream, to become the richest person in the world. 
The king is ready to do anything for him. 
The friend wants a marine port – the king gives it to him. 
The friend wants coal mines – the king awards them to him. 
The friend wants forest – the king grants forest to him. 
The friend wants airports – the king hands them out to him. 
Construction of the Roads – The friend builds them. 
Cement Factories – they are committed to the friend. 
The friend wants to start power plants – why not! 
Whatever the business opportunity he sets his eyes on, becomes his. 
He acquires lands in the big cities. 
He is on the path to realize his dream. 

The friend has captured almost all the big industries. 
Now he has set his eyes on other countries spread across the world. 
Then the ‘Royal Friend’ started new demands. 
‘I want to expand business in other countries. Help me.’ 
The king is really smart. 
Compared to the world, the easiest available Human Capital is in his own kingdom. 
And as he is the king of such a big kingdom the Kings and Queens of other countries are in his awe.
A ‘respectful fear’, of course! 
All the other countries know that he is the king of the kingdom, which is the largest ‘market’. 
Even though the people there are poor they hold the power to make many other kingdoms of the world rich. 
So, they go overboard in blarneying him. 

The King holds the globe in hands, decides which country to visit. 
He asks his officers to make a list of things they can purchase for their country. 
Then they prepare a list of the loyal citizens from their kingdom who have settled in those countries. 
Thousands of people from their kingdom are sent a month in advance to the countries where the King is planning to visit. 
When the king arrives, instead of discussing foreign policies and other TRIVIAL matters,
he directly hosts a program at the stadium with thousands of people.  
The people specially sent over for that event 
shout in unison, 'Raje... Raje... Raje!' 
Seeing them, the whole stadium starts chanting as if in one voice, 
'Raje... Raje... Raje!' 
At that moment, the king, filled with enthusiasm and immense happiness, 
starts accepting this unique greeting. 
The video clips of this event are shown to the people in their Kingdom.  
People start dancing with joy.  
‘Our king is not just popular in our country, 
but the most popular king in the world! 
He is truly the Emperor of the Universe! 
Having such a king is the reward of a hundred lifetimes of virtue. 
People say a lot of things. 
And they all say in unison, 
'Raje... Raje... Raje!' 

After the event, great purchases are made from those countries. 
The king goes there with a checkbook in hand. 
There’s not much bargaining or negotiation. 
The king doesn't expect much. 
As long as his friend gets the business, that's enough! 
It’s a very simple task! 
Then, industrialists from other countries 
obviously partner with the King's friend. 
And supply the goods needed by the king’s kingdom, whether it's weapons or airplanes! 
They set exorbitant prices, making sure the king’s friend earns money. 
They themselves earn plenty as well. 
It’s just fun and games. 
In their minds, they think,  
‘Good we met him! He's fantastic!’ 
Gradually, the friend’s business expands into many countries. 
The king is happy too. 
His friend becomes the richest man in the world, that is enough for the king to rejoice! 

One fine day, the king's friend sets his sights on a small neighboring country in the sea.  
And then, what happens next? 
Immediately, plans are set in motion about what can be done in that country. 
He says, 'We will supply electricity to the entire small country.' 
A message is quickly sent to that country. 
The leader of that country doesn’t take even a minute to respond. 
Agreements are signed right away. 
It is announced that, from today onwards, the king’s friend will supply electricity to the entire country. The contract is presented before the public. The electricity rates are outrageously high. To be honest, the people of that small island nation have immense respect for the king and the people of his kingdom. But because of this exploitation, resentment begins to build in their hearts. 
At that very moment, journalists from around the world arrive there. 
They start asking many questions to the chairman of the electricity board. 
'No tender was floated, so how was this project awarded?' 
The poor Chairman begins to explain, 
'This is an agreement between the governments of two countries. 
It’s a government company.' 
But they are very smart journalists; they have already gathered all the pertinent information. 
‘Come on; tell the truth…this is actually a private company.' 
The officer gets flustered. He gets scared. 
And immediately reveals the truth. 
'Here’s what happened: our country's leader was under pressure from the king. 
The head of our nation himself said, 
“One way or the other, we have to award this project to the King’s friend.” 
So, what could I do? I had to give it to them!' 

The king is not pleased to hear about it. He is very angry with the Chairman.
The Chairman of the Electricity Board has to resign. 
He has to change his statement. 
Anyway, the king somehow manages his own people. 
He is able to convince the people that nothing is wrong in the deal.  
He tells them that nothing of the sort has happened. 
People are loyal. They trust the king. 
But the island people understand everything by now. 
They are vexed. 
Gradually their resentment is balling up. 
The outrageous and awry actions of their country leader 
simply keep on. 
Finally, people lose patience. 
They grab sticks, clubs, sickles or any weapons they can find and attack the head of the nation.
He has to flee the country to cling to his dear life. People destroy his palace. 
Then a new government is formed. 
The king’s friend suffers a loss. 
But the friend is very smart and cunning. 
He finds a way. 


Now the king’s friend takes a look at another neighboring country. 
A Queen rules there. 
She is a good friend of the King. The King always gives her advice. He helps her in tough times. 
He guides her about ‘Development’. He tells her how to keep her opponents in check. The queen also accepts all his advices. She collaborates with Industrialists and facilitates development. She brings about growth in textile industry. People are happy with her. 
Even in her country the King is respected. 

The queen religiously follows the King’s words to the tee. But what goes wrong is, the king has incarcerated only a handful of his adversaries. But the Queen does it too much! What does she do? ‘If she finds any opponent, next moment the person will be in jail’  

She sends hundreds of thousands of people to jail in this fashion. Not a single opponent is free in her country. All of them are behind bars. Now the king’s friend wants to exploit that country. He wants to make money from that country.
What happens next? 
The Queen is told to award a big project to the King’s friend. 
How would the queen dare refuse a wealthy man who even the king bows to? 
She promptly starts talking about local industries May it be textile or whatever.
But the king’s friend is not an ordinary person. He is a great manipulator. He has already set in his network. He has won over the most powerful and influential cohorts of the queen. 
He knows the power of money. He refuses to get into textile industry, where earnings are so slim, they could be counted in chickpeas. He makes an unsatisfied face. Even the king is slightly irked.

The queen is scared. She asks with folded hands, 
‘What project should we offer to you, Sir?’ 
The friend of the king changes the expression on his pudgy face and says, 
‘I will provide electricity to your entire country.’ 
The queen gets a 440 volts’ jolt to hear this. 
The King looks at her with anger. 
The queen hesitantly starts speaking, 
‘Our country produces electricity in surplus. 50% more power is generated than our requirements. O King, we sell our surplus electricity to other countries. What would we do with the electricity bought from your friend? 97% of our households get electricity in subsidized rates. Ask for anything else, just not this!’

But the industrialist friend is not taking ‘no’ for an answer. He has already ‘managed’ everything. A project proposal, an MOU, and the officials as well! 
The office bearers are called in. 

The queen believes her officers will convince the industrialist. They will propose something else. But alas! The officials talk a different language. 
They say, ‘we don’t have any Thermal Power Plants.’ 
The queen is smart. She counters by saying, 
‘Thermal Power Plants would cause pollution! What about carbon footprint?’ 
After a lot of futile discussion, the king says, 
‘Let’s produce the electricity in my country. Let the pollution affect my country, but get on with this project.’

Read Also: गंगाविलास by the same author

The King tells his own commanders, 
‘This is a 100% export project. Our government will gain forex. 
Give land for free. 
Don’t charge taxes. 
Provide full co-operation.’ 
Of course, the project kicks off. 
Agreements, MOUs! 
Everything is managed promptly. 
Meanwhile, the king’s countrymen can’t stop praising the king and the ‘Royal Friend’. 
The word on the street is, 
‘The king’s friend to banish darkness from every house, 
not just in our own country, but in the neighboring country too!’ 
The subjects flex with pride. 
Poor dears, they were not aware that nobody’s houses in the neighboring country ever had the darkness. 

Now the friend is delighted! 
But as days pass, people from that country start perceiving a lot of things. First of all, they have mighty, well-functioning power plants. So they precisely know the minutest costs and expenses. 
What is the cost of coal? 
What is the production cost? 
What should be the rate of electricity? – everything! 
They catch on,
That the ‘Royal Friend’ has deceived them. 
That he charges rates according to his whim. 
That he charges exorbitant rates for coal. 
That he shows exaggerated production cost. 
He demands that certain amount must be paid to him whether we buy the electricity or not. 
The shock that had hit the queen, now gives a jolt to smart people in that country. 
The people there have greatly respected the king. 
They have also respected the king’s subjects. 
But now, that respect is being replaced by anger and hatred. 
Slowly, the public anger builds up. 
Moreover, the queen's authoritarian rule doesn’t sit well with them. 

But the queen is happy in her ivory tower.
She knows that the king’s great power is her backing. 
No matter what happens, the king's army would come rescuing. 
But things take another course altogether. 
The people's discontent keeps growing. 
Students, activists, and common people take to the streets. 
Suddenly, the queen remembers the small country by the sea. 
She recalls how its leader had to flee for his life. 
Then, she calls the police, orders, 
"Beat them, crush them, do whatever it takes.
This protest must be quashed. This is the opposition party's conspiracy." 
The police obey her orders. 
But, deep down, they wonder, 
‘All the opposition leaders are already in jail. 
So where are these flocks of protesters coming from?’ 
Still, they follow the queen's command. 
They capture some students. 
Beat them all night. 
Open fire on the crowd. 
But the people don’t back down. 
The crowd, too, starts becoming violent. 
At the sight of any police officer, they beat them up. 
They set fire to several police stations. 
Some officers get burned alive inside their own stations. 
The police are terrified. They call for the army's help. 
The queen summons the three chiefs of the armed forces. 
Again, the same command: 
"Beat them, crush them, do whatever it takes.  
This protest must be quashed. This is the opposition party's conspiracy." 
The military chiefs assess the situation. 
They think, 
“No, this won’t work.” 
They step outside and take stock of the situation. 
Inside, the queen is scared, petrified. 
The images of that small island’s leader’s broken home, common people sitting on his throne, 
The looting and destruction of his palace’s sofas, mattresses, chairs, beds, all other effects, 
The terrified island leader… 
All flash before her eyes. 
She loses it! 

In her luxurious palace, she looks at the various expensive items she had discerningly selected and imported from different countries. 
Another shiver runs down her spine.  
‘Will I have to leave this entire behind and run? 
The items - I brought them with so much love. 
My wealth, my power, my throne, my honor, oh no!  
Will I have to leave all of it and live as a refugee? 
No... No... NO! 
Have I appointed these military chiefs for nothing? 
They will save me! Save my rule. 
I won’t be going anywhere. 
I will rule until I die. 
I learned that from the king! 
The army chiefs will surely be coming in bearing good news soon.” 

The queen thinks about sleeping for a while. 
She hasn’t been able to sleep for days. 
She waits for a while, and slowly drifts off. 
‘The soldiers have crushed all the protesters. 
They have opened fire on them. 
Every protester has apologized. 
My supporters are celebrating victory, 
Shouting “Long live the Queen!”’ 
Her sweet dream begins to show on her face. 
A subtle smile graces her face. 
Just then, there’s the unmistakable clatter of military boots… 
The noise of boots begins to echo in her ears. 
She is jolted out of sweet dream. 
The worried face of the general appears before her eyes. 
“What happened? Have they gone? Is the rebellion over? 
Where are our loyal supporters? Why can’t I hear them cheering? 
Let my people in.” 
In a single breath, she blurts out. 

"Your Majesty, the helicopter is ready for you! 
You have 45 minutes! 
Millions of people are going to attack the palace. 
Everything will be destroyed. 
We must save your life. 
Your time starts now! 
You can call the king."

Just a few days ago, 90% of the country had supported her. 
Then how did things suddenly change? 
The queen is utterly heartbroken! 
Could the mob of millions really burns her alive? 
Her body begins to tremble.

Quietly, she makes a phone call and boards the helicopter. 
Like an obedient child! 

Now, there is deep trouble. 
The king’s friend, who had big plans to earn a lot of money from the queen, to loot the country completely, was suddenly left in a lurch! 
He doesn’t know what to do. 
The king is also troubled! 

And on the top of it, the woman had gone ahead and burdened them with her presence! 
This was not good. 
The people opposing her would now form a government. 
They’ll demand,

‘Hand her over to us. She has killed many innocent people. 
She must be arrested. She must be punished. She must be hanged.’ 
The king knows all this. 

If the queen stays here, the unrest in that country would only intensify, with inter-country tensions rising day by day. 
The king pleaded with various countries, 

"Grant her asylum." 
But no one complied. 

On one side, there are phone calls being made to the heads of various countries. 
On the other, the weeping ‘Royal Friend’ is quietly standing before the King. 
“My business is 100% reliant on exports. 
I’ve reaped all the benefits. 
Now, the queen won’t give any more work orders. 
What do I do? How do I keep my business running?” 

The situation is dire, but the king remains steadfast. 
In one moment, he issues an order, 
“The country will buy electricity from the King's friend!” 
Immediately, the friend starts dancing. 
That’s the kind of friend you need, who won’t let even a hair on your head be harmed! Wow!

The queen is living in a palace, feeling like a prisoner. 
She could be attacked at any moment. 
So, security is important. 

The King’s advisors are having a serious discussion. 
At that moment, the King’s friend enters the meeting hall. 
Seeing the tense atmosphere, he is scared. 
But the king is unaffected. 
Looking at his friend, he picks up a globe, 
carefully examines it, and asks, 
“Which country are we targeting next? 
What’s the business plan? Start preparing. 
There’s no time to waste! 
Let’s get to work.”

Immediately, the foreign affairs officers come forward. 
They get to work. 
Preparations for the king’s next trip begin.

 “The Heads of two countries have already fled for their lives because of this duo! 
What’s their target? Who knows! 
How many countries will they ruin?” 
- The official grumbles to himself. 

 [This story is fictitious and any resemblance to any person or event in reality should be considered a mere coincidence.]

- Dilip Lathi
(The Author is Managing Director of Vasudha Research and Publications and Editor of the Dnyanjyoti Magazine.)

Translated by Rucha Mulay

Read the Original Article in Marathi was published in Sadhana Weekly issue dated 7th September 2024 here.


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Dileep Chavan

This article metaphorically exposes the current political regime and it's shamelessness in appropriating the public funds to serve the vicious personal political agenda. The clinical unmasking of the 'non biological' leader by Mr Dilip Lathi is a superb illustration of political satire.


I wish this story was fiction and not true. A better ending would be where the King and his friend flee to the Island of Kailasha along with his Chanakya.

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